Forums are a magical way to get awesome traffic to your website – if you use them properly!

Successfully use forums to drive traffic to your website by doing these 3 key things:

  1. Find popular forums in your field or a complementary field. Research this a little so that you’re not sitting around waiting for people to reply or waiting for more people to post stuff.
  2. Create a signature with a link to your site as soon as you can. Some sites require you to post a certain number of times or be a member for a certain amount of time before you can add a signature or a link in your signature. Make sure you read and follow the rules of the forums you are joining. Also – do NOT just go post a bunch of random, unhelpful things in order to fulfill a sites requirements. This will backfire on you! Remember – you are creating a reputation for yourself in your field!
  3. Get genuinely involved. I’m not talking about joining, creating a profile signature with your site’s URL in it and then posting erratic meaningless info! 🙂 I’m talking about reading people’s posts and getting involved in the conversation. Off them genuine help or insight! Be as helpful as you possibly can be.

Zig Ziglar — ‘You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want.’

So give away! The more involved you get, the more truly helpful advice you give, the more traffic you will gain!