Every creative person I have ever talked with says they were, at one time at least, plagued by fear regarding their work. Follow the suggestions below to help you let go and get your creative juices back on track.

No matter what the craft, when you’re putting yourself out there your mind will tell you all kinds of crazy things that can instill a paralytic fear and stop you in your tracks to greatness.

  • You/Your product are not good enough.
  • No one wants this.
  • This sucks.
  • You’re wasting valuable time on something that is never going to pay off.
  • Someone else can do this better.
  • There are a lot of people already offering this.

Just to name a few of the horrible things we allow our minds to get away with when producing something that has true personal value to us.

It doesn’t matter if you are a stage performer, a painter, a writer or an online marketeer – fear has consumed you at least once during your creative or performance process.

However, the actual thoughts are not the issue here. It’s the power we give to those thoughts that will get us into trouble every time. Some of the most genius people out there sit in a cubicle because producing anything on their own terrifies them.

Here’s the trick: Don’t believe it. Not for one second, not one drop of it. Get rid of it fast before it takes any kind of hold, or stops you for one second.

Keep moving forward. Allow the thoughts to come and then allow them to leave. Pay as little attention to them as possible. Most of it is lies, and you wouldn’t tell a friend who was working on something these awful things.


  • Distract yourself with positive things or nature. When the mind starts churning up negativity there is nothing like a walk outside to clear it up. The same is true for being around positive and/or funny people.
  • Work even more! Do exactly the opposite of what those scary voices want you to do. Really throw yourself into it.
  • Write it out. Write down the horrible things your mind wants you to buy into. Seeing it out on paper will help you realize how ridiculous your mind is really being.
  • Call a friend and tell them what you’re thinking. They will probably laugh right out loud when they hear how outrageous these negative thoughts are. This will help you see how absurd this fear trip is and help stop it in it’s tracks.
  • ABOVE ALL: Keep moving forward. Even if it’s scary don’t let it stop your process. As long as you keep moving forward the thoughts may be there but they aren’t getting the best of you, and you are still walking toward your dream.

Let go of that fear and get creative people! The world wants what you’ve got!